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Prayer Warriors


A warrior is a skilled fighting man, especially one belonging to earlier times or any distinguished soldier or veteran (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary); and therefore the Prayer Warriors at HCI are a team of professionals and non-professionals, young and old, men and women who have a compelling reason to volunteer their time and energy to spiritual warfare, whether they would be noticed or not.Harvest Prayer Warriors (HPW) is the Prayer Department of Harvest Chapel International with the mandate to pray through the will of God to be fulfilled in the lives of leadership, church members and the nations. We draw our strength from the chief intercessor, Jesus Christ who continually makes intercession for us. HPW are expected to continually stand in the gap, to build the hedge and make intercession for God’s people. We enforce the victory of Calvary by prayer and ensure that people are saved from sin, sickness, disease and any oppression of the devil.

The call to pray without ceasing (1Thes 5:17) is to all believers; yet to HPW the call defines the essence of our very existence without which our lives are empty and void. The qualification to be a member of this exciting and Divine Force is a willing and sacrificial heart that derives its satisfaction and joy from witnessing the hand of God move in Harvest International Ministries (HIM) and beyond. Yokes and chains broken, holiness and righteousness pursued, His Presence becoming more and more evident in our services so much so that sinners will be convicted and saved and ultimately more and more of Him in our personal lives and less and less of the world! Come let’s move the hand of God to fulfill His will on earth as it is in Heaven through prayer.

Our Mission and Vision are clear from the scriptures;


“ … thy will be done on earth as it is heaven.” Matthew 6:10. Pray for the will of God in heaven to come to pass in the lives of people and nations.


Build a house of prayer, where every member receives the grace to travail in prayer and loves to pray. That Harvest Chapel International shall be a PRAYING Church.

Enough said, we share in the words of the poet, thus

I am a soldier, a prayer warrior, of the army of my God.

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