Our Ministry
Youth Ministry
Harvest Youth Ministry is the next generation leaders. These are the young ones who will hold the fort when the elders and leaders of today are no more. It is made up of all youths in the church between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five years. This is a critical group for the advancement of ministry work.
As a youth ministry the group thrives on activity. It is actively involved in outreaches where the focus is reaching out to the secondary schools. Regular meetings are held on the last Saturday of the month to equip the young ones for the challenges of life.
Harvest Youth Ministry is would focus on activities and open up opportunities for the young people to personalize their relationship with Christ, talent development and educational excellence.
Kiddy Haven
This is the children's service of Harvest Chapel International. It is made up of children up to fifteen years old.
We aim at creating the needed environment and avenues through which our children can easily find and appreciate a solid and lasting relationship with God through a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and his work on the cross.
By achieving this, the children will grow up not only to be strong pillars in the church but also become godly role models and responsible citizens in whatever environment they find themselves.

Men Of Vision & Evangelism
Every man in the church above the age of twenty-five is an automatic member of the Men of Vision and Evangelism. Meetings of the group are tailored to provoke the men into action and lead in the forefront of the church and the family. It is amazing what causes men to..... Be absentee fathers; irresponsible adults! Be Quitters Campers and not Climbers Inventors and not Idea Champions Physically strong but Spiritually weak Rich in Cash but Poor in Spirit Blessed with gifts by God but live in poverty Sit by Greatness and still remain poor Spirit filled but live in poverty Sit in Church but not in Service Live a prayerless life Cheat on their wives or partners! Cheat on their partners and have unprotected sex! ·
Abuse their wives or partners! Abuse their children; Abandon their children at birth! Divorce their wives! Abuse themselves through drink or drugs! “MOVE” will also be exploring the reasons why men do these things and much more and to develop practical solutions to prevent, reduce or eradicate this behavior.
Daughters of Zion (DOZ)
This is the women’s ministry of Harvest Chapel International and consists of all ladies in the respective branches. We believe in salvation through Christ Jesus and in the mission and Core Values of the church. Our mission is; “to preach the Gospel for the salvation of the whole man, equip potential leaders for ministry and effective Christian testimony in their vocations in an environment of love and strong family links”.
The Daughters of Zion consists of ladies who are 25 years and above. However if a lady is married and is below the age of 25 years, they automatically become members of this group.
Honesty, Respect, Faith, Excellence, Holy Ambition, Hard Work and Achievement are the core values we live by.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of the Couples Fellowship is to help equip Christian couples for wholesome marital and family living, to ensure harmony, growth and blissful relationships. Every married couple in the church is automatically a member.
• To assist couples understand that marriage is God’s idea and that He has the blueprint for it
• To educate couples on the seriousness of a marriage commitment and the challenge to fulfill God’s purpose in their marriages
• To meet regularly to provide information that will encourage, motivate, and stimulate a healthy marriage through proper guidance through God’s Word
• To fellowship with other couples through recreational activities, such as, dinners, ‘weekend getaways ‘etc. in order to strengthen the married couple and one another.
Activities and events are thoughtfully crafted, the fellowship appreciates the peculiar challenges that couples go through at the various stages of their marriages and this is factored into the organization of all activities.
Meetings/Activities are scheduled quarterly.
Why couples should participate in this ministry: Marriage is God’s idea and He has a purpose and plan for each marriage. He calls us to become one and model the relation between Jesus and the church. Our marriages can actually be tool that God can use to win men, women, boys and girls to Christ. What an awesome opportunity.
The Eligibles Ministry was set up to take care of the spiritual, social and emotional needs of the singles in the church. The Harvest Eligibles Ministry is for those who are 25 years and above and are not married. We also cater for the needs of divorcees, widows, widowers and single parents. Today, more than half the adult population in most churches is single. This indicates the need for a ministry to single persons and Harvest Eligibles Ministry fills this gap.